Tuesday, October 16 marks the beginning of 2007’s “Pie in the Sky” program. It is scheduled in time for the Thanksgiving season, and will provide an ample selection of holiday pies courtesy of Boston restaurants, bakers and caterers. Proceeds from the program, the largest bake sale in Metro Boston, benefit Community Servings.
About Community Servings
Community Servings is a non-profit group providing 2 meals a day to individuals dealing with life-threatening illnesses who are too ill to shop and cook for themselves and their families. On an average week, 3,340 lunches and dinners are prepared and delivered to the homes of roughly 700 individuals and their families.
About Community Servings’ Clients
- 95% live at or below the poverty level.
- Children and families receive 46% of their meals.
- 42% are female, 58% are male.
- 73% come from communities of color.
- 76% speak English as their primary language, 19% speak Spanish, while the remaining 5% speak other languages, including Haitian Creole, Portuguese and French.
Supporting “Pie in the Sky”
Brookline residents may support the program by purchasing pies at the Farmer’s Market October 18th and 25th. The Farmer’s Market is held at the Centre Street West parking lot from 1:30 pm until dusk.
For additional information, to make a contribution or volunteer to sell pies, contact Sara Rosenfeld at 617-79-6161.