On Thursday, September 17, BrooklineCAN will hold its 5th Annual Meeting and Welcoming Reception at the Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester St. from 5 to 7 PM. This year’s event will focus on transportation—the many ways that Brookline residents of all ages are on the move and getting around town. Governor Michael S. Dukakis will be honored for his leadership and support of improved public transportation.
The Annual meeting will also highlight BrooklineCAN’s many achievements this year. Refreshments will be served, and music will be provided by the Brookline High School Jazz Ensemble.
This event is free and open to all. RSVP by Thursday, September 10th at info@BrooklineCAN.org or call 617-730-2777
Affiliated with the Brookline Senior Center, BrooklineCAN is an all-volunteer organization that enables older residents to remain independent and fully engaged in the life of the community. The organization advocates on behalf of Brookline’s older residents, works with town agencies on behalf of Brookline’s seniors, provides ways for members to contribute to the community, and in general acts to make Brookline an even better place to live for people of all ages.
Founding partners of BrooklineCAN include Brookline Council on Aging, Center Communities of Brookline, Goddard House Assisted Living, and Jewish Family & Children’s Services.
For additional information about Brookline Community Aging Network and to request a copy of BrooklineCAN’s informative monthly newsletter, visit http://www.brooklineCAN.org or call 617-730-2777.