BrooklineCAN (Brookline Community Aging Network) presents Margaret Morganroth Gullette, author of Ending Ageism, or How Not to Shoot Old People, on Thursday, March 8, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at Hunneman Hall, Brookline Public Library, 361 Washington St., Brookline. The program is free of charge. Refreshments will be served from 6:00 to 6:30 pm. The program and discussion will be from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

Gullette, one of the world’s leading authorities on age and ageism, notes that the major obstacle to aging well is ageism, which has been defined as the assumption that older people are alike and that aging impoverishes us. Today ageism cuts deeper into older people’s self-worth and human relations – beyond the reach of law or public policy.

One review of Ending Ageism notes that Gullette’s take-no-prisoners book is as scathing as its subtitle, which refers both to cameras (the power of portrayal) and to guns (the very real risks of growing old in an ageist world).

Another reviewer says, “Every page sparkles with fresh insight and burns with apt indignation at how the ‘othering’ of older people operates. Gullette exhorts us to reclaim public space and defiantly shows us how. Wonderful!”

Margaret Morganroth Gullette is an internationally known pioneer in age studies and a cultural critic and award-winning writer of nonfiction, an essayist, a feminist, and an education activist. A recipient of NEH, ACLS, and Bunting Fellowships, she is a resident scholar at the Brandeis Women’s Studies Research Center in Waltham, MA.  Gullette and Ending Ageism were featured in the November 20, 2017, issue of The New Yorker.

In order to fight against ageism, we first need to recognize it.

BrooklineCAN would like your support in identifying examples of “ageism” all around us.  As you see or personally experience ageism in your everyday life, please take note of incidents you encounter or come across in media (magazines, newspapers, TV, and/or online).

Ageism is a significant issue, which BrooklineCAN plans to comprehensively address now and in the future.

Please call 617-730-2770 to register for this stimulating program, which is free of charge.

According to the 2010 census, 24 percent of Brookline’s population — or 14,182 residents – are over the age of 55. Town residents, between the ages of 55 and 64, have increased by 40 percent since 2000.

Affiliated with the Brookline Senior Center, BrooklineCAN is an all-volunteer organization which enables older residents to remain independent and fully engaged in the life of the community. The organization advocates on behalf of Brookline’s older residents work with town agencies on behalf of Brookline’s seniors, provides ways for members to contribute to the community, and in general, acts to make Brookline an even better place to live for people of all ages.

For additional information about Brookline Community Aging Network and to request a copy of BrooklineCAN’s informative monthly newsletter, visit their website or call 617-730-2777.