The Disparity Report Working Group would also like to announce that they are holding two virtual Disparity Report Community Forums in advance of review of the Town budget and warrant articles for the Spring Town Meeting in May 2022 to share the findings with the public. Please register using the links below:
Wednesday February 16, 2022; 6:30 PM – 8 PM
Thursday Feb 24, 2022; 12 Noon – 1:30 PM
A copy of this report, a short presentation of the disparities and recommendations, and the data collected by the Working Group will remain available at
If you need reasonable accommodations or additional language access, please contact Sarah Kaplan, ADA Coordinator and Community Relations Specialist at 617.730.2329 or
If you have other questions about the Final Disparity Report, please contact Caitlin Starr, Assistant Director of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations at 617.730.2345 or