The Town of Brookline is working to fill a vacancy on the School Committee and invites interested community members to consider
applying to be appointed. The School Committee has one vacancy. The person appointed by the School Committee and Select Board to fill the seat will serve until the May 2024 Town election.

Interested residents may apply to fill the role by submitting a resume and letter of interest to the School Committee office by noon on Friday, Oct. 20. Applicants must be registered voters in the Town of Brookline. The School Committee and Select Board will hold a joint convention on Monday, Oct. 23, at 7 p.m. via Zoom.

The purpose of the joint convention is to conduct interviews of candidates for the role and potentially select a person to fill the vacant seat.

The School Committee’s primary responsibilities include the evaluation of the superintendent of schools, the review and approval of budgets for education, and establishing educational goals and policies for the school district. More information about the School Committee can be found here [2].

To apply, email your resume and letter of interest to Betsy Fitzpatrick, Executive Assistant, School Committee Office, at