This year has been hard. My companies fought a sagging economy, my body fought diabetes and cancer, and my mind fought fears about my ability to navigate to the other side of it all.

As I write this, my cancer is gone and my diabetes is under control. My new company, Advanced Digital Websites, Inc. is doing well. Thanks to our loyal clients and supportive vendors, Advanced Digital Replication, Inc. continues to rebound from what has been a challenging time for our industry.

Throughout this difficult year my loved ones, friends and professional comrades helped me in ways that are too numerous for me to fully comprehend right now. I trained and punished my body to be as strong as possible to face surgery, and braced my mind to challenge my own doubts, but that alone wouldn’t have been enough.

Without the benefit of early detection and care from some of the best medical staff and facilities in the world, I would not be facing 2010 with even more optimism than I have faced previous years.

I don’t know from public options, and I can’t speak with any authority on precisely how our public healthcare system effected our nation’s economic situation. I just know that being healthy makes all the difference in the world. Imagine the humiliation and pain felt by parents unable to afford healthcare as they drive by a hospital. Nobody should be on the outside looking in when it comes to getting medical attention. Something has to change so that longer happens.

My body is healing and my mind is full from all the possibilities.

My holiday wish is that, as a nation, we find a way to bridge our political divide and provide access to comprehensive healthcare so that every man, woman and child has a fighting chance to achieve their dreams.

Thanks to all of you for being there for me this year. I will be there for you in 2010. Happy Holidays.


R. Harvey Bravman