I would like to personally thank all the individuals and companies who’ve lent us their financial and in-kind support to make the Soul Witness, The Brookline Holocaust Witness Project event and film a reality. Without your efforts, initiatives like Soul Witness and the Brookline Youth Awards, now in its seventh year, would not be possible. If you would like to add your name or company to our list of contributors, we would be honored to accept your assistance in making a positive impact on our community.

Our Mission
BrooklineHub.com is a 501C3 non-profit dedicated to reporting and commenting on life, culture, and community in Brookline. As part of our mission, we advocate for non-profits vital in making this a better place to live, and by sponsoring and supporting events that promote community-building. We hold the belief that as a community, we should foster the well-being of all, remaining mindful of our young people, seniors, and the underprivileged.
We thank our Soul Witness Event Sponsors

Town of Brookline
Brookline Community Foundation Spotlight Grant
Brookline Community Foundation Community Grant
Coolidge Corner Theatre
Facing History and Ourselves
Little Children Schoolhouse
Chobee Hoy Associates Real Estate
RTN Federal Credit Union
Elias Mobil
Brookline Rotary
Congregation Kehillath Israel
The Fireplace Restaurant
Terezin Music Foundation
The Catz Family
ADW Video Productions
Advanced Digital Websites
Brookline Hub
Brookline Courtyard Marriott
Mona and Shari Wiener
Hammond Residential Real Estate
Nicastro Consultants

Cheryl Lefman
Roberta Sidney
The Tuck Family
The Blakely Group
The Barshak Family
The Penzer Family
Jim and Julia Reichheld

Jay and Linda Reichheld
Anita Jamieson
Law Office of Susan K. Howards
Susan Rack
Clear Flour Bread
Catering by Andrew
FableVision Studios I
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
The Boston Jewish Film Festival
Integrated Solutions Group
Norton Arbelaez
David Lazowski
Marcia Lynch

You can help out the cause by going to our sponsorship page.

View the Official Soul Witness Trailer and purchase tickets to the special screening of The Brookline Holocaust Witness Project. We proudly accept your sponsorships and donations, or you can email publisher@brooklinehub.com for more information.
Thank you,
R. Harvey Bravman, Publisher