The Coolidge Corner parking assessment ordered by the Brookline Planning Department has been completed and is available for public viewing. The report which summarizes current conditions and makes recommendations for a solution was generated by Traffic Solutions, LLC.
A PC running Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser is the recommended means of accessing the Power Point presentation.
To access the report :
- Enter ‘’ in the address bar of your browser
- Enter the username ‘Brookline‘ and password ‘06-014‘ when prompted
- A window will open with a file icon (see diagram)
- Select the file “Brookline – Coolidge Corner 1-24-07 (wfl) presentation email version.ppt”, right-click and choose ‘Copy to Folder”
- Browse to the desired location on your computer and save the file
*** Note : it should also be possible to ‘drag and drop’ this file to your pc rather than the right-click method.