It’s happening again. A major winter storm, possibly with blizzard conditions, is on its way this weekend. With temperatures plummeting into the single digits for the next several days, the Brookline Emergency Management Team has issued a cold weather emergency alert from today Friday, February 13 through Monday, February 16, 2015.

Fortunately, the Town of Brookline has compiled important safety and emergency preparedness information to help us all get through the latest storm and its accompanying frigid temperatures.

Public Warming Centers Are Open

In preparation for the frigid conditions and the possibility of power outages, the following locations will be open to the public as warming rooms:

Brookline Senior Center
93 Winchester Street
Open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
The Brookline Elder Bus is heated and makes stops throughout the town, including at the “warming rooms” listed. Please call 617-730-2777 for a schedule or for more information.

Brookline Housing Authority Facilities
Please call the Housing Authority Management Office at 617-277-2022 for more information.

Brookline Public Health Department
11 Pierce Street
Monday through Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon

Brookline Public Libraries
Please call branch for details and hours:
Main Branch: 361 Washington Street – 617-730-2370
Coolidge Corner Branch: 31 Pleasant Street – 617-730-2380
Putterham Branch: 959 West Roxbury Parkway – 617-730-2385

Brookline Public Safety Building
Open 24 hours per day
350 Washington Street
Please call the Brookline Police Department at 617-730-2222 for further information.

Cold Weather Safety Concerns

The most common concerns in severely cold weather are hypothermia and frostbite.  Here’s what you need to know:

Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it. Frigid temperatures cause your body to lose heat and drop in temperature.

Anyone can develop hypothermia, but those at greates risk are: seniors, infants, unattended children, mentally ill individuals, those under the influence of alchohol or those spending a great deal of time outdoor.

In adults in children, symptoms include fumbling hands, slurred speech, shivering, exhaustion, dizziness, confusion and memory loss. In infants, hypothermia presents as bright red, cold skin and very low energy.

If hypothermia is suspected, take the person’s temperature.  Seek immediate medical attention if it is below 95 degrees Farenheit.  If there is a delay in reaching medical help, get the person to a warm area, and change into warm, dry clothing from wet garments.  Lay the person in a flat position, warming the center of the body first with an electric blanket or skin-to-skin contact under loose layers of blankets.  If the person is conscious, offer warm, non-alcoholic beverages.  Handle them gently, avoiding massaging or rubbing movements on their arms and legs.

Frostbite occurs when cold air freezes a part of the body. It typically affects the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes.

Stinging, tingline, or aching of an area of skin followed by numbness are indicators of frostbite, as are white or gray/yellow areas of skin or skin that feels firm or waxy.

If frostbite is suspected, seek immediate medical assistance.  Cover the area with dry, sterile gause or soft, clean bandages.  DO NOT massage the affected areas, as this could be harmful.

Cold Weather Precautions

  • Dress appropriately – Use a scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth. Wear a hat, mittens, sleeves that are snug at the wrist, water-resistant shoes, and many layers of loose-fitting clothes. Wool, silk, and propylene inner layers are better than cotton. Outer layers should be tightly woven, water- resistant, and wind- resistant.
  • Stay dry – This is critical.  If you begin to perspire, reduce exertion and remove some layers of clothing.
  • Watch what you eat and drink – Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Drink lots of beverages, especially warm, sweet beverages, but avoid drinking alcohol. Reducing caffeine may help as well.
  • Pay attention to shivering – Shivering means your body is losing heat. Go indoors as soon as possible.
  • Conserve heat in your home – Close off any unneeded rooms. Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors. Cover windows with drapes or blankets at night.
  • Precautions for elders – Older adults produce less body heat. Persons 65 years and older should frequently check the temperature in their homes. Make sure to check on elderly friends and neighbors as well.
  • Precautions for infants – Give babies warm clothing and use infant sleep clothing that is designed to keep the infant warm at night without a blanket. Infants lose body heat more easily than adults and so should never sleep in a cold room. Try to keep a warm indoor temperature.

If You Lose Heat

If you lose heat or llack adequate heat, call the Brookline Health Department during normal business hours at 617-730-2300. After normal business hours, call the Brookline Police Department at 617-730-2222. A police officer will respond to take a temperature reading and follow-up.

– Catie Hayes