Our guests on this week’s BrooklineHub In-Depth include Joan Lancourt and Katha Seidman of Building a Better Brookline (BaBB). Lancourt and Seidman describe in detail their new initiative Brookline Art for Community Engagement (BACE). The concept behind BACE is to attract the local community through performance and visual art and recording diverse opinions on the future of Brookline housing for the benefit of all. Lancourt and Seidman will introduce BACE at the Brookline Open Studios at its Station Street Location on October 2 from 11 am to 5 pm.
The BACE project is timed to be part of the Housing Production Plan (HPP) community outreach program in October. Lancourt and Seidman were inspired by the Minneapolis 2040 Civic Engagement plan to produce their own BACE initiative for Brookline. The BACE initiative has the support of many influential Brookline nonprofit and Town entities including Brookline Thrives, Brookline Arts Council, Brookline Community Foundation, Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Relations, Puppet Showplace Theatre, VOICES Boston, and BrooklineHub.com.
Examples of questions audience members at Brookline Art for Community events will be asked include:
“Are you satisfied with your housing options?”
“Are the people of Brookline doing enough to improve the environment?”
“How can Brookline do more to improve racial justice?”
Examples of potential future Brookline Art for Community events:
- Public Housing
- Farmers markets
- Park events
- Schools
- Brookline Teen Center
The interview with Building a Better Brookline’s Joan Lancourt and Katha Seidman discussing the Brookline Art for Community Engagement (BACE) initiative premieres on Brookline Hub In-Depth on Monday, September 20.
“BrooklineHub In-Depth” is produced by BrooklineHub.com publisher R. Harvey Bravman and Danielle Myers, a producer from Bravman’s for-profit company, ADW Video Productions.
“BrooklineHub In-Depth” can be seen on all Brookline Interactive Group cable channels and on the Brookline Hub In-Depth YouTube channel.