Commissioner Erin Chute Gallentine and the Department of Public Works announces it has repeated its Monday pickup routes today and will repeat its Tuesday routes tomorrow, following confusion about scheduling due to the Juneteenth holiday.

When a legal holiday falls on a weekend, as was the case with Juneteenth, the Brookline DPW conducts trash and recycling pickup on its normal Monday-Friday schedule. Approximately one-third of residents did not put trash and recycling out for collection on Monday, so Brookline DPW repeated its Monday route today.

DPW crews will repeat their Tuesday routes tomorrow, June 22, to ensure that no residents miss their trash and recycling collection this week.

Residents whose trash and recycling are normally picked up on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday should put their trash and recycling out as they normally would.

“We sincerely apologize for any confusion this week, and will work to be better about communicating the ways holidays will — or will not — impact trash and recycling pickup,” Commissioner Gallentine said.

Anyone with further questions about trash and recycling collection should call 617-730-2156.