A message from TOWN OF BROOKLINE
In order to address the many questions and concerns that exist in the community, the Town of Brookline would like to share the following information. For general COVID-19 questions, please call the State 2-1-1 line. For Brookline specific medical or public health inquiries, please contact the Department of Brookline Public Health at 617-730-2300. For non-medical questions specific to Brookline, please call the Brookline COVID Information Call Center at 617-879-5636. These call centers, for the time being, will be operational Monday through Friday from 8 am – 5 pm, these hours will be adjusted as needed. Messages can be left after hours and will be returned the next day. You can also email your non-medical inquiries to COVID19Info@brooklinema.gov. Remember, In the case of emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or 617-730-2222. Please remember the importance of social distancing to reduce the impact of COVID-19, and please stay home as much as possible. Thank you.
By 5 pm on 3/16/20: Brookline Select Board, in support of social distancing practices, requires that all restaurants in town cease dine-in operations. Additionally, lines of more than 10 with people inside or outside any establishment will be prohibited. brooklinema.gov/covid-19
Takeout and delivery patrons are urged to call ahead or place their orders online with restaurants and eateries in order to minimize face-to-face interaction and streamline the pickup process.
To ease the burden these restrictions place on restaurants and eateries, the Town of Brookline has suspended its styrofoam container ban, effective immediately.
A message from Goddard House
As events unfold rapidly during the coronavirus pandemic, we are responding with updated protocols and procedures.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued a Coronavirus-related order last evening that Assisted Living communities should now ban all non-essential visitors, including family, effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17, 2020. The only exception will be for residents who are under active end-of-life hospice care.
If you have referred families to us in the past or have clients living with us now, I want to reassure you that we continue to provide our residents with opportunities for companionship and enrichment, and compassionate care. Maintaining their quality of life, not just their physical safety, during these trying times is our number one mission. We are setting up virtual visits for families and their loved ones via SKYPE and FaceTime to boost spirits and maintain positive connections.
If you fall into the category of an essential, medically necessary visitor (physicians, hospice agency personnel, visiting nurses, PT, OT, private home health aides, etc) when you enter our community you will be health-screened daily for symptoms of fever or other respiratory illness, just as we are doing for our own staff. This includes taking your temperature. If you are exhibiting any symptoms of illness you will not be permitted into our community. Please know that we are continuing aggressive infection prevention and control practices to protect you, our own staff and our residents.
During this difficult time, we are grateful to have strong relationships throughout our local professional elder care community.
From Brookline Booksmith:
We will be closed to the public effective March 16th. Please let us know how we can help you pass this time more meaningfully. Call us, order books through our website (free media mail shipping!), and stay in touch. Be safe, friends.
-Brookline Booksmith
From Puppet Showplace Theater
Due to public health guidance, Puppet Showplace Theater will suspend on-site programs through at least April 11th. Find updates and contribute to our emergency fund at puppetshowplace.org/health
From Brookline Police Department
Until further notice, the Brookline Police Department will NOT be enforcing the overnight parking ban.
From Kupel’s Bakery
We remain open for business. The well-being of our employees and customers is of the utmost importance, and we will continue to take every necessary precaution to ensure their health and safety. We will close at 5 p.m. each day until further notice.
From Brookline Arts Center
Today we’re launching Art at Home, a series of art activities that individuals or families can enjoy while #socialdistancing. Fairy houses can be made for outdoor or indoor spaces! Visit Art at Home on our website (under ARTreach) for instructions.