Bad Smells

The bad smells that were noticed when the soil was put down in preparation for the sidewalks were not due to sewer leaks – it was structural soil which contains some manure. This type of soil is presently being used for urban areas under sidewalks (where there are trees and other plantings) since it promotes healthy growing.

Sidewalk Construction

Sidewalks in the section between Centre Street and Winchester Street will be completed by this Friday (June 15). Next block to be done is Centre Street to Harvard Street (see 1330 Beacon information for details).

1330 Beacon Street Construction

The basement of 1330 Beacon Street extends under the sidewalk, is presently used for storage – probably originally was coal shutes. The ceilings are “failing” – leaking and falling down. The building owners want to repair them and they will be working underneath first and then redoing their part of the sidewalk (between the building and out 7 feet).

The town will be doing sidewalk work (beginning June 18th ) between Centre Street and Harvard Street between the curb and 7 feet in. This includes curb work, handholes for streetlights, and tree pits. The town will leave it’s portion with temporary black top until the owners of 1330 Beacon Street finish their sidewalk part. Then they will pour the whole sidewalk at once. (Probably end of July)

Park Street direction reversal

Park Street between Marion Street and Beacon Street will have the direction reversed PERMANENTLY beginning Monday June 18th. An LED sign will be placed at the intersection of Marion and Park Street to alert vehicles of the change. The new traffic signal at the intersection of Marion Street and Beacon Streets will be fully functional on Monday June 18th, regulating turns on Beacon Street at Marion as well as a signalized crossing from Marion Street to Beacon Street outbound.