The vitality of our community depends upon reinvigorating town government with new blood. Fresh voices add to the dedicated people currently serving us, and strengthen the town as a whole. Adam Mitchell is a perfect example of the type of new, thoughtful leadership we need. He is strong on commitment to community and weak on political savvy; just what Brookline needs.
Adam and his wife Gwen Ossenfort have contributed tirelessly to our non-profit community. He believes in maintaining our excellent school systems, intelligent development only if it is neighborhood friendly and sensible budget solutions.
Adam has served as Chairman of Brookline’s Solid Waste Advisory Committee since 2003. In this role, he helped organize a Zero Waste Dinner for the Brookline High School Soccer Team. Everything at the dinner was compostable or recyclable. He understands the importance of minimizing our carbon footprint and how to make it happen. As the town moves towards green certification, these are skills Brookline needs.
Adam and Gwen are proud parents, dog owners and homeowners in Brookline. As an invested member of the community, Adam has an understanding of the the town’s needs, present and future. As TM member, Adam would fight to maintain our parks and open spaces.
During the passage of the Mandatory Apartment Building Recycling warrant article in 2005, Adam addressed Town Meeting. He felt like he was looking from the outside in. Adam also served on the Town Moderators Committee, examining our rubbish and recycling system. Now he wants to be on the inside serving Brookline and we urge you to support him.
Some are wary of newcomers, especially when it comes to government. Although Adam and Gwen have served Brookline since the 1980’s, they are considered new to town politics. Our investigations have shown that everyone who knows Adam and Gwen respect and admire them. My website company donates our services to the Brookline Teen Center. In this capacity, we have worked with Gwen and found her to be equally committed to the welfare and future of Brookline as her husband.
For no apparent reason other than they are not on the select “inside” of Brookline Politics, PAX endorsed every person running for Precinct 2 Town Meeting except Adam. How is this possible? The members of PAX that I’ve spoken with about Adam Mitchell have had nothing but good things to say about him. So how is it that Adam is somehow 6th best? Our thinking is that despite the great things PAX does for our community, they didn’t do their homework with their Precinct 2 endorsements.
We don’t have anything against insiders. Many of the Brookline government “insiders” have faithfully served Brookline for decades. When policy keeps out new energy and enthusiasm instead of fostering it, however, it is time for the voters to look past the familiar and embrace new contributions. proudly endorses Adam Mitchell to represent Precinct 2 at Town Meeting. We hope you give him a chance and vote for him on Election Day.
R. Harvey Bravman, Publisher