The classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey will screen at the Coolidge between May 27- 31.  Buy tickets here.

By 1968 Stanley Kubrick had already tackled a slew of powerful topics including three anti-war films (Fear and DesirePaths of GloryDr. Strangelove), a perfect noir thriller (The Killing), one of the most notorious and “unfilmable” novels of the 20th century (Lolita), and a Hollywood epic (Spartacus). Where else but the unknown was he to venture?

Adapting Arther C. Clarke’s science fiction short story “The Sentinel”, Kubrick expanded the scope of the work from a brief inquiry into the existence of life in the universe to meditation about the development and advancement of intelligence. Beginning with the moment when apes begin cognitive thought and jumping to early lunar exploration, continuing with a manned journey to Jupiter and the development and understanding of non-linear time, 2001: A Space Odyssey tackles some of the most essential topics of humanity and nature.

With unparalleled special effects, 2001 is a film that needs to be seen on the big screen in all its glory.